Friday, January 29, 2010

Joe Walsh Vs Joe Walsh

Guitar maestro and talented singer/songwriter Joe Walsh issues the old cease-and-desist to a politico candidate in Illinois who happens to share his name. And who is illegally utilizing one of Joe's tunes as a campaign ditty.

It's funny to me that this kind of thing keeps happening over the years - Reagan using Springsteen, Tom Petty and Jackson Browne getting co-opted. Is it me, or are the offenders mainly conservative/Republicans?

In any case, life's been good to musician Joe Walsh and he's refusing to walk away, calling time out, becoming the bomber; stealing songs may be okay in Illinois, but it's not the Rocky Mountain way! What is this candidate Joe Walsh doing, living a life of illusion?

At a James Gang reunion show I saw a couple of summers ago, Joe mused on running for President. Why not a rock star musician in office? As former Texas gubernatorial candidate and singer/songwriter/author Kinky Friedman has famously said, "How hard can it be?"

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