Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Corporate Money Wins, Part 2

The last restrictions on major corporate political campaign donations were removed by the Supreme Court in January this year (see:

The first flower of this New Age of Government For Sale has bloomed: Rupert Murdoch handed over a cool million to the Republican Party.

"The contribution from Mr. Murdoch’s News Corporation, which owns Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post and other news outlets, is one of the biggest ever given by a media organization, campaign finance experts said." Read the full story here:

To put things in perspective, every time Mr. Murdoch sneezes a couple of million dollars routinely spews out. While this particular donation isn't the biggest given by a media group, it does seem to be the first under the new rules, which makes it newsworthy.

Especially for News Corp outlets. How will Bill O'Reilly, Hannity, WSJ, etc. report this one?

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