Monday, August 17, 2009

Letter to the Senators/Representative

Text of a letter I sent today to my Congressional representatives regarding health care reform. Phone calls are good, too.

SUBJECT: "Respect For Life"

Senator Udall/Bennett/Rep. Perlmutter:

The public "debate" concerning health care reform, the words of the president and the reporting by the media must baffle the rest of the planet. Most countries did the right thing for their citizens decades ago.

There is only one true health care reform bill on the Senate/House docket today: The American Health Security Act of 2009/H.R. 676. Let's cut out the insurance companies and offer every American basic health care. Let's set up a system modeled on the way civilized governments around the planet administer this public service.

I know that's a lot to ask of the Congress, whose values reflect some core American beliefs: creating an economic/military global empire is good, having the biggest and most weapons is good, selling weapons to others is good, and charging people to make a profit on their health issues is good.

Looks like the connecting thread there is "no respect for life."

The Congress and President Obama have an opportunity to craft, sell and implement a true reform that would speak to the much more Christian ideal of "love thy neighbor" and being a good "brother's keeper": government-run, non-profit health care for every American.

Just who do you and your colleagues work for? Millions of American citizens in favor of Medicare-for-all, or an insurance industry who contributes millions to political campaigns and lobbying? Who do you work for, Mr. Udall/Bennett/Perlmutter?

K. Dennis
Arvada, CO

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