Friday, August 14, 2009

Nader Was Right

"We owe Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney and the Green Party an apology. They were right. If a few million of us had had the temerity to stand behind our ideals rather than our illusions and the empty slogans peddled by the Obama campaign, we would have a platform. We forgot that social reform never comes from accommodating the power structure but from frightening it. "

I voted for Mr. Nader for President in 2008 and 2004, and had the privilege of hearing him speak twice. The second time, in October 2008 with the Obama campaign in the driver's seat, his talk included some of the topics he touches on in this interview.
Chris Hedges interviews Mr. Nader on why the Progessive/Liberal movement cannot count on the Democratic Party - their chance to exercise influence was lost when they rapturously embraced Obama with no questions asked:

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